On the



John                        Anne Frank


Prime Minister Netanyahu said it all and very well. To the point, precise and compelling. The Obama response was dismal and the Democrat response from those who did not attend but still “listened” was absolutely dumb. The “funny “commentators such as Jon Stewart rose to their usual trash. As a second war-time kid I found their critique simply appalling. But what can  you expect from knuckleheads who never studied their history but nevertheless queue up to praise their master’s moral equivalence.

I told this before in my columns. As a six-year old kid I played with Jewish boys my age who were hiding in the basement of a house in Holland during World War II. I still see their faces. Dark-haired, dark eyes, very white. Once we ventured upstairs and their guardians were furious, afraid they might be seen through the windows. Suddenly, I was told they had been taken away one night, never to return. You don’t forget that, as so many other cruel things of World War II I won’t forget.



No more Anne Franks. Today, history is repeating itself. Iran began the same way as Hitler did. Grab here, grab there. Today’s Neville Chamberlains in the White House and other capitals are appeasing the Iranian regime. Iran has been spreading its claws throughout the Middle-East for years for Shiites to get the upper hand over Sunnis (remember the Catholic-Protestant wars?) ISIS is roaring its ugly face there and in North Africa as well, with brutal copy-cats in northern Nigeria, and Al-Qaeda continues to expand in the Horn of Africa and Yemen. Jews, Christians and even moderate Muslims are murdered with barbaric cruelty. On TV. Don’t forget that Hitler murdered many good Germans before World War II started. Then we did not have TV, only shabby newspapers.

If not checked now, Iran and ISIS-Al Qaeda will soon be the Nazi-Japan team of the past. What current Western Leaders negotiating with an untruthful Teheran do not get is that “The enemy of your enemy is your enemy.”  Prime Minister Netanyahu hit the hammer on the nail. I repeat the old saying once more, “me, my brother and my cousins against the stranger.” As soon as Iran gets the bomb, everybody else in the Mid-East will want the bomb. Pakistan will be a willing provider. Oil money will pay (you and I, in our luxury cars.)

Appeasement does not work and never did. Only showing the deliberate sword of a stern opponent does. How many brutal murders do we allow as a “red line?” Appeasement is cowardice and rewarded with many more dead. We sit warmly and nicely in our homes watching the horrors on TV, drinking and eating our meals, like our predecessors did when World War II was brewing, without TV but not less impervious. What happens elsewhere is bad but what can we do. Until it hits you on the head with a 9/11 like Pearl Harbour, or a mass-killing in Paris, and there will be many more dead accompanied by economic collapse. And then it may be too late as it was with World War II: 60 million dead, among which 6 million Jews gassed and tortured. What we need in place is a strong Western coalition with a strong Western – i.e. US – leadership. What we have now is a watery chicken soup going stale.

We commemorate the dead of the Nazi gas chambers and say never again but we are busy letting it happen once more. The US Administration and its blind cohorts are repeating the same blunders. Several commentators have raised the red flag, but the US Administration remains unruffled and a “liberal” (whatever that means) electorate is keeping its head in the sand. Prime Minister Netanyahu was Churchillian, its Western detractors are Chamberlainian, once more we are going down the drain with these morons at the helm and their compliant cowards in the media. As a war kid, having SEEN it, I am profoundly shocked and above all ashamed, and I have enough of it.

Jordan and Egypt demonstrated will and resolve. The US did not. King Husain is a hero.

king-abdullah-jordan daily.news

And so is Abdel Fattah Saeed Hussein Khalil el-Sisi of Egypt.

el-Sisi of Egypt

Speaker Boehner showed courage inviting Netanyahu. Kudos to him and shame on a White House calling the speech “destructive”. Who are these people? Sending democrat ops to Israel to undermine the Israeli elections to get “Bibi” out of the way for Barack Hussein and his Shiite friends?

John Boehner

Churchill faced much opposition to his calls to arms until it was “too late” and the whole world was in flames. Then too, nincompoop electorates crawled under their beds, closing their eyes, continuing to vote for their pocketbook or social handouts or whatever, hoping it would blow over. Evil never stops and one has to face it head-on and kill it in the bud. To prevent it from getting worse. It is interesting to note that this apathy always happens with weak western administrations in place (same for World War I under Wilson, same for World War II under Chamberlain and Roosevelt, who only got in when attacked at Pearl Harbor, and the same with 9/11 when Osama could have been had a long time before under Clinton but was let go.) At least Reagan and Thatcher stared down the USSR.

No more Anne Franks. Israel will defend itself and it can. Iran and its proxies Hezbollah and Hamas have been shown that several times. Their wrongheaded agenda does not come cheap. Western nations should make it even more expensive by severe economic sanctions and showing strong defense. Perhaps the current Republican majority will stop the runaway train. But Israel, Jordan and Egypt need firm Western leadership to support their bravery, and only the US as an exceptional nation can provide it. The current US Administration has constantly and willingly undermined that reality and responsibility for the last six years and does not show any sign of changing course. Arguing that “the people” don’t want it is like hiding behind mama’s frock. How many other things has this Administration done that the people did not want? Wake up.

No more Anne Franks.





Short Stories for an Easy Read!



Enchanté! Cheers! Proost!

While Mars Man is traveling back from St. Maartens to St. Mars to join his TV team at Mars City TV, we do a little advertising to pay the bills!

ENCHANTÉ has issued 10 short stories so far, all represented on the right,  of which nine under the banner “Some Women I Have Known.” I borrowed this title from my Great Uncle Joost van der Poorten Schwartz (1858-1915), who wrote some 14 books and 4 bundles of short stories in the English language, mostly in the nineteenth century. His “Some Women”, though more “Victorian” in concept than the ones I have known, is still a good read. Except the Audrey and the Lady D stories, which are memoir, the other stories are told through the voice of John van Dorn, a fictitious alias, to avoid that potential readers might say “Hey, that’s me,” or “Hey, that’s her!”

I – The Audrey story is a Memoir of how 13-year old Audrey Hepburn entered my life when I was seven. I had wanted to write this story for a long time and finally did. Her son Sean Hepburn Ferrer found it “sweet” and sweet it is. She had an indelible impact on my life, as I could never have guessed she would become so famous and well liked the world over. Her birthday, May 4, is coming up and a good opportunity to buy this story as the revenues accrue to the Audrey Hepburn Children’s Fund.

II –   The Two Anns memorize first loves, seen from a young male’s adventurous POV (point of view). There are many women I have met and forgotten, but you never forget your first loves. It would have been interesting to know how these first loves remember me and if they ever wrote that on paper.

III – Lucy The Cello Girl got John van Dorn hooked for life with her bow, phrasing heavenly music from her instrument, when he met her in the basement of his boarding school. A lover of classical music, he fell for her instantly, but young love has its tragic moments of inexperience, immaturity and doubts, and it took many years to materialize.

IV – Tisja The Village Beauty is the naughty story about how Peter, another “alias”, loses his virginity. I guess nobody forgets that moment in their life. It’s worth remembering and I had a good laugh writing it up.

V – Geneviève The Adorable Pianist pictures the classical Love in Paris. Many loves in Paris populate books and movies, but each one is different and this one is no exception. Even today, soaps return to the Eifel Tower, Trocadero, the river the Seine and the Ile de France. For all its picturesque flavor, Paris remains a pitfall for amour. This one got started while playing quatre mains at the piano at the famous Ecole normale de musique, “mains” that got closer and closer and… well, you read the rest.

VI – Irene Femme Fatale is the eternal refrain of young libido gone haywire and ending in predictable disaster. Women are smarter than man, because they got that superior gift of nature to lure the male into the dangerous act of procreation and… you better watch out.

VII – Lady D is a Memoir of the quintessential grandmother. Some people are greater than others, and she is one of those rare people. Yes, at one stage they pass away and go to heaven, but they live on never to be forgotten, staying at your side throughout life.

VIII – Ingrid The Magnificent Viking is a goddess John van Dorn meets on the ski slopes in the Swiss Alps at a moment of great distress in his love life that turns into even greater distress in a mishap of sorrowful circumstances that should never have happened.

IX – Nyira, The Tutsi Queen, tells the harrowing story how John van Dorn during a posting in Africa meets a fascinating Tutsi woman in Burundi and rescues her in a narrow escape from tribal persecution.

X – Killing the Elephant Poacher introduces Yves Bret, a former sergeant and sniper in the French Foreign Legion, as “The Boutique Killer” or “BK” for short, who carries out hit jobs only when he considers them justified.  In this first story the Central African Republic hires him to kill a terrorist elephant poacher. After a harrowing march through the African bush in the company of a band of army rangers and a horrendous gun fight, he finds himself trapped in the compounds of the Minister of the Interior. What to do?

The short stories are published for Amazon.com by Willow Manor Publishing in Fredericksburg in Virginia, and the cover designs are the product of Melanie Stephens of the same company.

They are available on Amazon.com for Kindle reading at the ridiculous price of 99 dollar cents or there about depending where you are, well below cost. Get them for an easy read during the weekend! If you do, give a review, if you can, by clicking on the story’s review link on Amazon.com. It’s simple and won’t cost you more than a few minutes of your time. We love your feedback.

Lastly, my romantic novel Enchanting The Swan is in the final stage and scheduled for publication in September. We will let you know!

All my best,



Overheard on St. Maarten’s Beach II

CIMG0266_crop-1 and  Mars Man

Kathyn from Mars and Kathryn of Omaha TV


Still on the beach at St. Maarten, Mars Man sits with his dear Kathryn, Dr. Kisshanger and Lu drinking rum punch and munching on their Dutch oil balls, watching a multi-colored balloon drifting through the blue sky with a foolish overweight American dangling from a rope.

Kathryn: Look who’s coming, Mars! Aaron and Taher of the Israeli parliament! Remember we last met them in June 2010 at that Florida Beach? What are they doing here?

Aaron and Taher almost simultaneously: Hello you guys. What a coincidence! And hello, Dr.  Kisshanger and Lu, what fun to see you all together!

Kathryn: Have an oil ball, fresh from Holland.  No pork.

Mars Man: What brings you here?

Aaron: On our way to Washington D.C. to prepare Netanyahu’s visit to Congress. We thought we could get some ideas here, and low and behold, we stumble onto the most knowledgeable people on earth and beyond.

Kathryn: We were just talking about Washington. As you know, the President is holed up on Hawai after the military take-over. They only let him say prayers.

Taher: Foolish thing to do. Even at prayer he’s out of bounds. As a Muslim and Arab representative in the Israeli parliament, I can imagine that he, whose name is Hussein, does not want to call ISIS Islamic, but that’s what they call themselves. But then to compare them with what Christians did during the crusade 1000 years ago, or even refer to the Spanish Inquisition 6 centuries ago burning infidels on stakes, and then not naming ISIS Islamic, is fastidious to me.

Aaron: It’s topsy-turvy talk. They’d better get rid of his teleprompter.

Dr. Kisshanger: I’m afraid that wouldn’t make much difference.  He must have listened to your TV show the other day, Kathryn. As you said, the Islamic year according to their calendar is 1435 so they are six hundred years behind us. But the President in absentia forgot to explain what you said, that religions seem to pass through the same evolutionary development span. These barbarians believe in their mission as much as those Spanish Inquisitioners did in their time. You see what they did to that brave Jordanian fighter pilot. Reminds you of the Nazis. That’s the issue and the danger.

Kathryn: Right, these people are willing to commit heinous crimes and die for it, like these Saudis on 9/11, but I’m not sure if the Spanish Inquisitors had the same obsession. You must confront it with utmost force right in the butt and not wait until they carry out more dreadful executions and come to the USA with another 9/11. Five centuries ago, Protestants Luther and Calvin stood up against the Catholic Inquisitors, but you don’t have those leaders yet in the Middle East. Only the US can lead, and they don’t. They’re only downplaying the danger to excuse themselves for not acting forcefully. Obama went golfing after an American was beheaded.

Mars Man: King Hussein of Jordan, Obama’s namesake, took brave actions and put the US on the spot. We should support the Jordanians forthwith. The US and whatever allies they have should put immediately twenty thousand troops at the Jordanian border with Syria. You imagine what could happen if they don’t? Jordan’s peaceful people and their beautiful treasures? Lu, you as the colonial master of the US, can’t you get these American guys to act like men?

Lu: We get oil from Iran. They are Shiite. ISIS is Sunni and they are based in Syria, where Assad, who is Shiite, is still holding out in part of the country. Maybe ISIS is in collusion with Iran? If you want to fight ISIS, you’d have to fight in Syria to get their rebels to join you. That would mean removing Shiite Assad first. Obama, his friends, Russia and we don’t like that because we don’t want Shiite Iran to get upset in the ongoing nuclear negotiations. Above all, we don’t want them to cut off their oil from us.

Dr. Kisshanger: We negotiated nuclear détente with the USSR at the time. It worked.

Aaron: The USSR didn’t have a plan to wipe Israel of the map. Iran has. They say it openly, Lu, and you know it. You guys and Obama won’t give a damn if we go to pieces, but we do.

Dr. Kisshanger: History has a tendency to repeat itself, although never on the same path. World War I started with the murder of the Emperor of Austria-Hungary by a terrorist Serb. It took some four years before the USA, with a Democrat President, Wilson, got involved, only when the Germans torpedoed American ships creating national uproar. World War II began with Hitler coming to power and invading Austria, Hungary then Poland. Europe acted far too late, with that British Nevil Chamberlain at the helm. By then Hitler had swallowed Europe’s continent. The unwilling USA, again with a Democrat President, Roosevelt, was forced into it by Pearl Harbour. Before that, Roosevelt had promised US soldiers they wouldn’t fight in European wars again. In my view, again with a Democrat President, the US has not been doing now what it should be doing.

Kathryn: But that same Democrat President and his Hillary went to war in Libya without Congressional approval and under false pretenses as the recent tapes disclosed. Nobody liked Gadhafi but look what we got in return. That’s why Petraeus took over.

Dr. Kisshanger: the grounds for World War III are already laid: Russia, Iran, ISIS, maybe you, dear Lu, against Europe, the USA, and Israel.

Kathryn: Iran and ISIS together?

Lu: Don’t they say ‘me and my brother against my cousins, me, my brother and my cousins against the stranger?’

Taher: People should make a difference between good Arabs and bad. ISIS is bad. Jordan is good, but they have many problems, refugees and ISIS hiding among them. They are very vulnerable. Iran doesn’t mind if Sunnis battle among themselves for political power. But to let a strident ISIS conquer the Islamic world is a life and death threat to the Middle-East, us and the West. What if Saudi Arabia goes? What about Egypt? Nigeria? Both ISIS and Iran must be dealt with now. ISIS with decisive military force, and Iran with the strongest sanctions to keep them on a tight leash, and to keep their proxies Hezbollah and Hamas off our back.

Kathryn: And that’s Netanyahu’s message to Congress?

Aaron and Taher at the same time: Yes, exactly. To kill the beast at infancy and not wait until we are forced into another World War.

Mars Man: Now we understand why the former President does not want to see him. His party doesn’t want to spent money on the military in lieu of his social programs to buy votes. Maybe you should ask that other former President, Carter. He looks a lot better now in comparison, and he seems very happy about that.

Aaron: Carter is a friend of Hamas because he still does not realize that Hamas is not the Palestinians, but a terrorist group. Palestinians tell us all the time how much they fear them.

Kathryn: I wouldn’t even try. The man is peanuts now. I also hear that Democrats want to boycott Netanyahu’s speech before Congress, only because the Republicans invited him. Boycott an ally and above all an allied Head of State? Only for party politics?

Mars Man: There are moments I’m glad I’m not American.  They’re shameful. American democracy is in dire shape. But Alex de Tocqueville predicted that already.

Lu: The world will be a lot better when China controls it all. You can always come to China, Mars.

Mars Man: I keep telling you, Lu, you are too confuciused. You may be glad if you can keep selling your fortune cookies and American Wal Markt goods made in China with a deflated Chinese Yuan or Renminbi if you want.

Kathryn: Have another oil ball, Lu. I’ll get some more. Waiter! Get us another round of rum punch, we really need it here!





Overheard on St. Maarten’s Beach

Johannes at his baptism site_crop and  Mars Man

Kathryn from Omaha TV

Kathyn from Mars


Mars Man and Kathryn are enjoying sunny conversations on the beach at St. Maarten, away from it all, especially the cold.

Mars Man: I believe it’s Superbowl today.

Kathryn: Yeah, the most inflated show of the year.

Mars Man: I hear the former president is going nuts confined to his golf club on Hawai.

Kathryn: From our perspective, he was already going nuts in the White House from what he was saying.

Mars Man: They beheaded another guy, the beasts. They must have stolen those orange suits from the Dutch soccer team.

Kathryn: What we need is a guy like Eisenhower. Go in there with allied forces in a big way and wipe them off the earth.

Mars Man: It seems that Petraeus isn’t doing much about it either. I’d hoped that by now he would’ve pulverized them to pork stew.

Kathryn: They don’t eat pork over there.

Mars Man: What about that tape story that the Pentagon undermined Hillary on that Libya war? What with the White House listening-in device! Remember Obama saying that Muammar Gadaffi had to go? Like poor Hosni Mubarak? And what did we get in return? Four brave Americans dead and more of BHO’s cruel Muslim friends.

Kathryn: He says he will degrade them and ultimately destroy them. What does that mean, degrade? So far they’ve been upgrading each day. Ultimately means he leaves it on the plate of the next president. Who said Michelle was a good cook?

Mars Man: America is in deep dodo with this man. The chickens will come home to roost, like his master the reverend Jeremia Wright said when BHO sat in his pew but wasn’t listening.

Kathryn:  We heard the new Congress is acting up. All democrats are wearing long johns. Reid fell so hard over all his lies he was shoveling out of his office that he broke his nose, blinded one eye, and had to get a face  lift.

Mars Man:  I heard it was O’Connell who’d punched him K.O. because he’d been so mean to him for six years.

Kathryn: We got the measles again in the US. Unidentified measles. Came with the illegal border crossers from those third world countries visiting Mickey Mouse in L.A. Ever had the measles?

Mars Man: We don’t have them on Mars.  What do they look like, shrimps?

Kathryn: Like mosquito or ant bites all over your body.

Mar Man: Another good reason to keep you earthlings away from Mars. That last spaceship went to pieces again. If humans want to come to Mars, let them take Amtrak,  but they may get stuck on the way.

Kathryn: See who’s coming. Old Dr. Kisshanger and Lu from Chinatown, both peacefully together on the beach. Hi Dr.Kisshanger, Lu, how are you?

Dr. Kisshanger: Fine, I’m still writing more memoirs. Our days were so much better than yours. May we sit down?

Lu: Great to see you. Even though we’d hoped you’d do better under Chinese colonial rule, it hasn’t got any better in Washington.

Kathryn: You taught them how to lie. For six years we haven’t heard anything but.  What do you expect?

Dr. Kisshanger: He who turns oriental gets disoriented.

Mars Man: Lies in Washington are just the plain truth. If you told the opposite nobody would believe you.

Kathryn: Well, Dr. Kisshanger, what do you feel about today’s world?

Dr. Kisshanger: No see, no hear, no speak.

Mars Man: But that’s Chinese!

Lu: No sir! This is plain Shakespearian English. Besides, in China we no think either, just do.

Kathryn: What would you do, Lu, if they are going to behead a Chinese?

Lu: We’ll send them Chinese fruitcake with bomb mix. If not good enough, we drop them a million mad Chinese women. Guaranteed to work or your money back.

Kathryn: What about all this religious doublespeak, Dr. Kisshanger?

Dr. Kisshanger: He or she, who is without sin, throw the first stone. That’s why Obama doesn’t want to make war. Jeremiah told him so.

Mars Man: Do you believe that, Lu?

Lu: Dr. Kisshanger is without sin, as he came to China first.  We Chinese don’t know what sin means. We’re Confuciused. Shall we have a glass of rum punch?

Lu calls a waiter, who brings them four glasses of pink fluid on the ruble, with a slice of lemon, a straw, and loaded with rum.

Lu: Cheers! Let’s drink on peace the Chinese way.

Mars Man, sipping: What’s that, Lu?

Lu: In five years, China will be omni powerful, and everybody on Earth will speak, read and write Mandarin, starting at Kindergarten, and be happy. That will shut up the Islamic Radical Extremists, as we rightly call them. Next step will be Mars.

Mars Man: Don’t count on it, Lu. Your hieroglyphs aren’t working in space. You’ll be even more Confuciused and get stuck on the moon.

Kathryn: Okay, guys! I’ll get us some Dutch oil balls. I hear they are good over here.

Lu: Oil balls? Here? Can’t be. China has imported all the oil there is.

Kathryn: It’s balls of dough fried in cooking oil, Lu. Like your good fortune cookies, but without your pin strips of Chinese Confuciun.

Lu: I’ll come with you and then confiscate the oil.

Kathryn: You can’t because you’ll create war with the French part of the island. They bathe in cooking oil. See you later.










The Interview

Johannes at his baptism site_crop and Mars Man

and Kathryn from Omaha TV

Kathyn from Mars


Kathryn of Omaha TV is on,  Mars TV is connected, and Mars Man is with Barack Husain Obama in Honolulu in an undisclosed location under a coconut tree.

Kathryn: Go ahead, Mars Man, you are on!

Mars Man: Thank you, Kathryn. Viewers, we are here with the US President hiding in Hawai. Dear Mr. President,  how does it feel to be on eternal vacation in your homeland?

BHO: I take the Fifth.

Mars Man: Excuse me, sir, but you are not in Congress. You can speak freely here, no fear. Your obedient servants in America must’ve felt that they needed that new car smell you talked about a bit earlier than you expected.

BHO: They’re misguided. My smell is pretty good. Just got half a gallon of aged Old Spice on sale in the drugstore. As for my eternal vacation, that’s in the eye of the beholder. Eric Holder will get me back soon.

Mars Man: But Holder has also been deposed.

BHO: He will find a subtle way, as he did with Fast and Furious. And there is still the Executive Order. And I have my pen and phone. And I still have a free Obama phone, and if they take that away, I have a few boxes of them left in my wine cellar here.

Mars Man: You must’ve heard that John Kerry went to Paris to apologize for your absence at the World Rally in Paris and that he was accompanied by a singer totally unknown in France nobody could hear.

BHO:  We tried Beyoncé, but the Military blocked her from going. Joe Biden was willing, but he sings false.

Mars Man: You must feel pretty impoverished here in your new hiding space.

BHO: It’s no different from the White House. We were pretty broke, anyway. And have a lot of debt.

Mars Man:  Something on the order of nineteen plus trillion, we hear. That’s a great legacy.

BHO: The same as other Presidents. Bill and Hillary were dead poor when they left. That freaky Bush had to sell his football club to pay off his. I’ll just write another book and get my money back.

Mars Man: Hillary’s publisher lost millions on hers.

BHO: Sure, but she kept the ten million dollar advance. I can write and speak a lot about my legacy, and they’re willing to pay me high fees in the millions, dwarfing Hillary’s extra fees for nonsense speeches about how poor she was. I grew up in the ghettos of Nairobi and Jakarta.  I can talk about my birth certificate. Best hoax ever.

Mars Man: What legacy would you speak of?

BHO: I have many. Take Obamacare. Carries my name. Historical. Fast and Furious. To rub that silly nose of Arizona Sherriff Joe Arpaio in it.  IRS Audits of those wealthy Republicans that yielded a lot of money from unlawful Cayman tax shelters, and stopped those subversive Tea Party extremists. Worth at least ten speeches at a million a pop.

Mars Man: But your Democrat party lost the elections.

BHO: You’re wrong. We won. Two-thirds didn’t vote because they supported my policies.

Mars Man:   But the Republicans have the majority in Congress thanks to voters not supporting your policies.

BHO: All rubbish. What Republicans? They always cave when I raise my finger or call on Sharpton to blackmail them. Why do we need a Republican party anyway? One party, the Democrats, is good enough. Would save the taxpayers a lot of money.

Mars Man: What are the many other legacies?

BHO: Stopping the Keystone pipeline. After all, I have a lot of shares in Buffett’s railcars transporting oil. Solar energy, called Obamasun. Millions of acres covered with solar panels. All made in China. Biofuels. Windmill farms.

Mars Man: But we are told Solyndra went bankrupt with five hundred million taxpayer money gone down the drain, the electrical car got busted, and wind farms kill the American Eagle, your treasured national symbol.

BHO: In any war, be it drones or fossil fuels, we face collateral damage. An unintended consequence we shall have to accept as the cost of doing business. As for the national symbol, too bad for the bird, but Obama’s face would be good enough, especially because it’s black. And black is beautiful.

Mars Man: Benghazi was a major failure of your Administration. Four brave Americans dead among which your Ambassador. Why was that poopoed by your underlings?

BHO: I’ve said many times before that Benghazi was Hillary’s Department. I can’t help her three o’clock phone was off the hook. I tried my best to help her out by sending Susan around the Sunday shows and because Susan loves me she did a fabulous job. Everyone believed she told the truth, as we always do.

Mars Man: But you said you could keep your doctor, your insurance plan and pay much less premium, and none of that proved true.

BHO: That’s old hat. We’ve explained all that. Sometimes the truth is better not told.

Mars Man: What is your view on Trumps’s take-over of your Government?

BHO:  It’s illegitimate. They won’t get away with it. My underlings have launched an appeal to the High Court.

Mars Man: Judge Roberts may not be as friendly to you this time as he was with Obamacare. Both of you seem to have peculiar views on what is legitimate. But the way we see it on Mars, things will be a lot better in the USA, even the world. Your trillion foreign debts are going to be paid off; demonstrations will stop, and Russia and China will shut up. The IRS will be abolished, and taxes will be greatly reduced. Americans believe in themselves again. People say they’re relieved not to see you on TV anymore with your hands wobbling while you’re running down the steps of Air Force One.

BHO: Don’t ridicule my daily exercise. I can’t play golf all the time. As for Russia, we made rubble of it. China needs our money for our Solyndra panels. Iran will get their bomb regardless, so why bother. Not even the military can do anything about that.  It will put the Shiites and the Sunni Muslims on a level playing field. Israel has the bomb already, so why not Saudi Arabia, too.

Mars Man: People on Mars are glad we are away far enough when it all blows up.

BHO: That’s how it is said in the Scripts: doomsday is here. I said I would fundamentally transform America and I did. Even the world. You can’t take that away from me. That’s my greatest legacy. I have to go back to Michelle now. She promised me a dinner of suckling pig if I voted for her Senate seat.

Mars Man: Fair enough, Mr. President. Greetings from Mars…..

The TV screen goes blank because a bomb went off somewhere. We are trying to fix the connection.

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