Brussels: A Cancerous Religion emerges.

Brussels Gr-Place-1


Brussels is again the focus of Islamic radicalism. Brussels is the center of the European Union and has been the center of Europe since the European reunification began after World War II.  I worked and visited Brussels many times for work and pleasure.  Like I mourned with my friends in Paris last November, I mourn with my friends in Brussels now. It is a place with great treasures, such as the Grand Place. Now Islamic Radicalism is overwhelming the city with brutal force to stem the growth of Europe as a symbol of Western Union and Civilization after it stabilized after two terrible wars in the twentieth century and many more before since the Middle Ages.

The issue of Radical Islam has become so predominant in current times that many believe it is something new that only now comes out of the woodwork. In fact, Islam has always been a political movement, starting with Mohammed whose armies swarmed over the Middle East to suppress peoples into submission. Islamic religion, the Quran, has many good thoughts, but it is also a religion of strife. Christ was a prophet of the cross, whose sacrifice we are remembering this week. Yes, many religious and political leaders have also abused and misused Christianity for political purposes. Popes, Emperors, Bishops and priests. Christian fundamentalism in the Middle Ages and many wars between Catholic and Protestant forces caused huge suffering and  destruction for four centuries long. With the last remnants of these terrible fissures finally solved with peace in Northern Ireland only some fifty years ago, Europe no longer has religious wars between their main religious beliefs.

Yet now Europe is again overtaken by Islamic Jihadism. Actually, Islamic strife has never really stopped. The Islamic march to conquer Europe was defeated several times, in 732 by France, in  1492 by Spain, in 1683 by the Austrians when the Turks laid siege to Vienna, and in 1918, when the last caliphate, the Ottoman Empire, crumbled at the end of World War I. But jihadism continued to rumble on after the creation of artificial Middle-Eastern countries from the broken Ottoman Empire, and the birth of Israel. Political Islam has consistently grown. Out of a deep hatred for whatever is “Western” or “Jewish,” activist Islamic groups have been attacking and murdering: Iranian Mullahs, Hezbollah, Hamas, then Al-Qaeda born from Saudi-Arabian Wahabism, and now ISIS and its offshoots. Islamic migration to Europe has been largely unassimilated. Zones of Islamic radicalism are created in Europe where police is not even allowed to set foot.

Millions of people of Islamic belief live peacefully, doing their daily work, growing their kids, going to their mosques, trying to live a decent life. So why is it that many of their leaders continue their strive towards Islamic supremacy?  The killing, at genocidal proportions, abhors every reasonable person, even peaceful Islamic believers. Why do they not stand up against their own?

Rational Muslims must eradicate the cancer in their Islamic religion. Like any cancer, it kills. If the Muslims themselves do not eradicate this built-in cancer of jihadism in their religion, it will ultimately kill the religion itself. So far, few Muslims have spoken out. How many more terrorist disasters must happen before they realize they must put a stop to it to protect their own religion from oblivion? Christian and Western peoples are not going to let themselves be pulverized into Islamic submission. Jihadism will lead to further war, as it has done from the times that the religion emerged in 632. If that is their wish, it will cause Europe and the USA to lean more and more to leaders who will execute a radical counter-terrorist military offensive, and vote out politicians who practice peace, political correctness, and weakness. It will make the life of innocent Muslims more threatened than ever. They will only have themselves to thank for it.

 Vive Bruxelles!




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  1. 1
    jelle vd wal

    The EU is an illusion, based on the myth that Germany caused two world wars.
    WWI was caused bij Britain, WWII by Roosevelt.
    Beard, Harry Elmer Barnes, and Flynn explained it.
    The Middle East was terrorized by Britain and France since 1916, since 1956 by the USA.
    Balfour in 1917 gave away Palestine, what was not his.
    In 1912 or so, and again in 1953, de west destroyed Iranian democracy.
    After the sept 11 conspiracy, the USA attacked and destroyed Iraq, one millon deaths, cancers and birth defects by 2000 tons of uranium.
    The USA also destroyed Syria, and overthrew democracy in Egypt.
    Muslims that fled to Europe were rejected there.
    And so suicide resistance succeeded.

    • 2

      Some of what you say is true and some of it is not, surely not with regards to WW1 or II, which I lived through. Yes, Europe meddled much in the Middle-East but so did the Middle-East itself. Suni Sadam called Bush’s bluff, then hid and flew out his WMD (now found and used by ISIS), and had the last laugh, but then got hanged by the Shiites. The Iraq war now seems a mistake, but Obama compounded it by complete withdrawal, thus allowing ISIS to rise after the US under Bush had killed its instigator, Al-Zarquawi. Assad and ISIS destroyed Syria, for different objectives, not the USA. The PLO destroyed Lebanon. Khadafi’s reign was already crumbling in the Arab Spring, the USA accelerated it by adverse and perverse inaction. True, Muslims do not easily integrate into western society because of their very different social and cultural framework and past. They do better in the USA then in Europe. But all this does not justify using the Quran as a basis for suicide terror: Islam needs reform and erase jihadism from its books, like Catholicism needed reform after the Inquisition. But Islam started 600 years after Christianity and is still in year 1435 or thereabout, their “Middle Ages.” It is hoped it will not take 6oo years before Islam comes to its senses.

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